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jueves, 28 de enero de 2010




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lunes, 25 de enero de 2010

Margaret Thatcher Joint Press Conference with President Bush (Iraqi invasion of Kuwait)

The channel "eljuristapuntonet is grateful to the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, the video that is on its website
El canal "eljuristapuntonet" agradece a la Fundacion Margaret Thatcher, el video que está en su página de internet

1990 Aug 2 Th
Margaret Thatcher
Joint Press Conference with President Bush (Iraqi invasion of Kuwait)

President Bush
Let me first welcome Prime Minister Thatcher back to the United States. It is a very timely visit and as you can well imagine we have been exchanging views on the Iraq/Kuwait situation. Not surprisingly I find myself very much in accord with the views of the Prime Minister.
I reported to her on contacts that I have had since I left Washington, personal contacts with King Hussein , President Mubarak of Egypt, President Sallah of Yemen, a long conversation just now. I can tell you that Jim Baker has been in close touch with the Soviet leadership and indeed the last plan was for him to stop in Moscow on his way back here.
We are concerned about the situation but I find that Prime Minister Thatcher and I are looking at it on exactly the same wavelength: concern about this naked aggression, condemning it and hoping that a peaceful solution will be found that will result in the restoration of the Kuwaiti leaders to their rightful place and prior to that a withdrawal of Iraqi forces.
Prime Minister, welcome to Colorado and the United States and if you would care to say a word on that we can take the questions.[fo 1]
Prime Minister
Thank you, [ George Bush ] Mr President, and thank you for the welcome.
We have of course been discussing the main question, as the President indicated. Iraq has violated and taken over the territory of a country which is a full member of the United Nations. That is totally unacceptable and if it were allowed to endure then there would be many other small countries that could never feel safe.
The Security Council acted swiftly last night under United States leadership, well supported by the votes of fourteen members of the Security Council, and rightly demanded the withdrawal of Iraqi troops.
If that withdrawal is not swiftly forthcoming we have to consider the next step. The next step would be further consideration by the Security Council of possible measures under Chapter 7.
The fundamental question is this: whether the nations of the world have the collective will effectively to see that Security Council Resolution is upheld, whether they have the collective will effectively to do anything which the Security Council further agrees to see that Iraq withdraws and that the government of Kuwait is restored to Kuwait.
None of us can do it separately, we need a collective and effective will of the nations belonging to the United Nations, first the Security Council and then the support of all the others to make it effective.[fo 2]
Mr President, when Kuwaiti shipping was in danger in the Gulf war you put those ships under American flag. Now Kuwait itself has been invaded the Kuwaiti Ambassador says that they are desperate for help and that American intervention is of paramount importance. Will you answer that call and how will you?
President Bush
I answer that we are considering what the next steps by the United States should be, just as we strongly support what Prime Minister said about collective action in the United Nations.
Are you still not contemplating military intervention?
President Bush
No, I mentioned at the time we were going to discuss different options which I did after that first press conference this morning and we are not ruling any options in but we are not ruling any options out. And so that is about where we are right now. We had thorough briefings, you know who was at the meeting today, by General Powell , General Schwarzkopf and others. But I think it would be inappropriate to discuss options.
What are the chances of US/Soviet cooperation in restoring peace to the Gulf?[fo 3]
President Bush
I would say they are very good, I reported to Prime Minister Thatcher on a conversation that I had with Jim Baker on the plane flying out here and I think you could say that he would not be stopping in Moscow unless there would be a good degree of cooperation between the Soviet Union and the United States. But again, the Soviet Union is a member of the United Nations, they voted with the United Kingdom and with the United States, and so I think there is a good level of cooperation with the Soviets and hopefully with other Permanent Members and hopefully with the rest of the members of the Security Council.
We understand that the Soviets have announced that they are cutting off arms shipments to the Iraqis. Are the French, which is the other big arms supplier to Baghdad, also planning to cut off arms shipments?
President Bush
I have not talked today. I believe you had contact, Prime Minister, at some level with the French government but I cannot answer that question.
Prime Minister
We had contact, Douglas Hurd I believe, had contact with Mr Dumas , this was about the Security Council Resolution which France of course fully supported.[fo 4]
Is not Saddam Hussein at the root of this problem, has he not replaced Gaddafi as the bad boy of the region, would you like to see him removed and what can you do about it?
President Bush
I would like to see him withdraw his troops and the restoration of the legal government in Kuwait to their rightful place and that is the step that should be taken. I might say that I am somewhat heartened by the conversations I had with Mubarak and with King Hussein , Mr Sallah , all of whom I consider friends of the United States, and all of them who are trying to engage in what they call an Arab answer to the question, working diligently behind the scenes to come to an agreement that would satisfy the United Nations and the rest of the world. So there are collective efforts beginning to be undertaken by these worthy countries and let us hope that they result in a satisfactory resolution of this international crisis.
But Saddam Hussein has been the source of the most recent mischief in the region, nuclear triggers, missiles, the big gun, as Prime Minister Thatcher knows about, is he going to be a constant source of problems in that region?
President Bush
Should he behave in this way he is going to be a constant source. We find his behaviour intolerable in this instance and so do the rest of the United Nations countries that met last night and[fo 5] reaction around the world is unanimous in being condemnatory so that speaks for itself.
Prime Minister, is there any action short of military intervention that Britain or the other United Nations states could take that would be effective against Iraq?
Prime Minister
Yes of course, yes of course there is. You know the whole Chapter 7 measures and that of course obviously we are in consultation now as to which measures we could all agree on so that the Security Council would vote them and then they would become mandatory. The question then is whether you can make them effective over the rest of the nations and obviously the fourteen could not do it on their own and so there will be a good deal of negotiation as to what to put in for the next Security Council Resolution if Iraq does not withdraw.
But are you confident that you would be able to mobilise that kind of international support?
Prime Minister
I believe that further Chapter 7 measures would have a good chance of getting through, we certainly would support them.
President Bush
May I add to that the United States has demonstrated its[fo 6] interest in that by the action that I took this morning by Executive Order, you know cutting off imports from Iraq to this country.
Can I ask both of you to answer this, how does the fact that they apparently now have chemical weapons affect your decision-making and narrow your options?
Prime Minister
I do not think it affects it at all. What has happened is a total violation of international law. You cannot have a situation where one country marches in and takes over another country which is a member of the United Nations. I do not think the particular weapons they have affects that fundamental position.
But does it not affect what action we can take?
Prime Minister
No, I do not think it necessarily affects what actions we can take.
President Bush
I would agree with that assessment.
Mr President, what do the Arab leaders that you talked to ask the United States to do, did they ask you to restrain yourself or to become militarily involved and have you contacted Israel?[fo 7]
President Bush
We have had contact with Israel, yes, I have not personally but we have. And they ask for restraint, they ask for a short period of time in which to have this Arab solution evolve and be placed into effect and they are concerned obviously with this naked aggression. But it was more along that line—let us try now as neighbours and Arabs to resolve this. And I made clear to them that it had gone beyond simply a regional dispute because of the naked aggression that violates the United Nations Charter.
And what did Israel say it would do at this point?
President Bush
I would have to think back to the details of it but offering cooperation I think was about where I would leave it.
We are hearing reports now that some of the Americans, particularly in the oil-fields, may have been rounded up by Iraqi troops, do you have anything to add to that, how does that affect your reaction?
President Bush
I do not have anything on that right now and secondly it would affect the United States in a very dramatic way because I view a fundamental responsibility of my Presidency as protecting American citizens and if they are threatened or harmed or put into harms way,[fo 8] I have certain responsibilities. But I had not heard that, Charles , and I hope that is not correct.
May I also ask about British citizens, any word, are they safe?
Prime Minister
We have some British citizens in Kuwait. You probably know that there was a British Airways flight there on its way to Africa and the passengers there are now in a hotel in Kuwait. So we have some there and of course we have a number of other British citizens in Kuwait and we too are concerned for their safety.
Mr President, some of the smaller nations in the Persian Gulf, Bahrain, the Emirates and the others, obviously have reason to worry about what has happened here, what can the United States and Great Britain say to those countries and those people who are feeling very concerned today?
President Bush
The United States can say that we are very much concerned for your safety and this naked aggression would understandably shake them to the core. And so what we are trying to do is have collective action that will reverse this action out and to make very clear that we are totally in accord with their desire to see the Iraqis withdraw, ceasefire, withdraw and restitution of the Kuwaiti government. And that would be the most reassuring thing of all for[fo 9] these countries who, whether it is true or not, feel threatened by this action.
At the risk of being hypothetical, if Iraq does not move out quickly and has gained a foothold among the smaller Gulf nations, what can the United States and other nations do militarily?
President Bush
We have many options and it is too hypothetical indeed for me to comment on them and I refer that also to the Prime Minister.
Prime Minister
That is precisely why you are looking at the next stage in the Security Council and what other measures can be put into action mandatorily and why the very nations to whom you refer, we should also need their cooperation in putting other actions into effect.
Mr President, have you despatched the USS Independent to the region and have you heard from Saudi Arabia?
President Bush
I would not discuss the movement of any US forces and no I have not yet heard from Saudi Arabia but I have a call to King Fahd and I was supposed to have taken that call before now but it has been delayed by a few minutes and so I hope before I leave here I will talk to him, I think it is very important I do talk to him, and I leave it there.[fo 10]
What do you expect him to say?
President Bush
That is too hypothetical too, I know he will be expressing the same kind of concern that we feel.
Prime Minister, the President and the Executive ordered this morning, established a US embargo on trade with Iraq. When you mention Chapter 7 measures would you support in the Security Council the call for an international embargo on Iraqi oil?
Prime Minister
We are prepared to support in the Security Council those measures which collectively we can agree to and which collectively we can make effective—those are the two tests. We have already frozen all Kuwaiti assets, the Kuwaitis have very considerable assets and it is important that those do not fall into Iraqi hands. Iraq, we believe, has only very small assets and rather a lot of debts so the position is rather different with her.

domingo, 24 de enero de 2010



El proper diumenge (29 Novembre 2009), es van a celebrar unes eleccions en Guinea Equatorial que no van a ser unes eleccions lliures perquè els falta l'element
essencial que té qualsevol decisió democràtica, que és l'existència d'alternatives
polítiques diferents del règim establert políticam
Només hi haurà un partit que realment podrà guanyar les eleccions,
que serà el partit del dictador Obiang, i això vicia de partida aquestes eleccions.
UNIÓ PROGRÉS I DEMOCRÀCIA ha participat juntament amb l'oposició Guineana a l'exili, aquí a Madrid, en una concentració que hem celebrat aquest matí
de dimecres, per denunciar aquest fet, per exigir eleccions democràtiques a Guinea,
i per demanar i exigir a les autoritats espanyoles i al Ministeri d'Afers Exteriors Espanyol, que prengui postura en favor de la democràcia, i en contra del dictador Obiang.
Aquest és el motiu de la nostra presència aquest matí, d'uns militants,
i una representació d'Unió Progrés i Democràcia, a la concentració que ha
celebrat l'Oposició Guineana a l'exili a Madrid

sábado, 23 de enero de 2010



Hello friends. Today we have taken as subject of dialogue and conversation, which I
seems to be interesting for all The present and the future of Equatorial Guinea
we have a president who obviously has taken the path of decline, and is absolutely incapable of presenting a project to the Guinean people. If he is even unable to prepare budget for each ministry.
thus, the ministries are absolutely inefficient and unproductive, and a president
obviously, to all information they have even jumped our own country to the outside
Dedicated solely to take the money, obtained from oil, wood, and many other products, which has our country for their own use, that of his family, and the
use of his friends. Jump from this present, sad, gloomy, but there is no more than deaths, but there is only poisoning, but there is only death, absolutely
incomprehensible, where the disappearance of people is completely normal.

Clearly this is in mind, we have a
great desire and great urgency for
get rid of it and jump into the future.
Hence was born the term postobiang.
Postobiang, means having an alternative,
and can not be naturally like
this current, it has to be different.
and starts to be different from the time
it arises, unfortunately, but it arises
from outside. Outside, there are forces
political opposition to the current regime
Living political forces, with little
possibility to develop within the country.
These political forces abroad, this
government in exile, the Progress Party,

in postobiang, seeks to enable
a government of national unity in
wich are integrated, all parties
politicians, all political forces,

and all cultural, social, that
actually serve as columns to
preparation of this national unity government.

Its primary mission is to prepare the people
of Guinea, to elections for the first
time free, that our country has never
That government must be able to call an
different suffrage to the next
calling Obiang,
and I think this first, we can say base, the
national unity government that can
be today the government of Equatorial Guinea
in exile

is absolutely prepared to serve
as a small force, to mobilize the
and prepare the way for elections
before the election, a number of
actions to be carried out,
I would say mainly the preparation
of a constitution.

Guinea must be born into a new life,
through a Constitution, well prepared,
fully authenticated through the
work of technicians,
and endorsed by the people of Guinea.
Since we have these tools,
with which to work.
Tools with which the government
that emerges from the elections
is going to work

we already can hold elections for
that the Guinean people
alive the great satisfaction
if they, the workers themselves, the
architects of a future of freedom,
development and democracy.

The return of exiles, so many children,
so many values Guineans who have fled
outside the country.
A national unity government
can never be separated from th
This must be a primary goal. A
second objective, the prisons of Guinea
Equatorial. There are political prisoners that fill
our prisons, they must find
immediately,doors open, when a government
of national unity. Provide clear signs that
something has changed in Equatorial Guinea.

Something changes as rapidly as the
people can travel from Rebola to
Malabo, without a limiting barrier.
From Malabo to Sampaka, without having
to pass through a barrier, and since Nkue to
Mikomeseng, exactly. We can do i
One thing I can say with absolute clarity,
you have a team of government
Equatorial Guinea in exile, which agglutinated
by the Government of National Unity is able
to bring democracy,
is able to end this reality,
and begin a future of freedom and progress.
I invite you to join us in this great project.


Hola amics. Avui hem pres com tema de diàleg i de xerrada, una cosa que em sembla serà interessant per a tots.
El present i el futur de Guinea Equatorial.
Tenim un president que evidentment ha pres el camí de la decadència, i és absolutament incapaç de presentar un projecte al poble guineà. Si és fins i tot incapaç de preparar pressupost per a cada Ministeri. amb la qual cosa, els ministeris són absolutament ineficaços i improductius, i un president que és clar, segons totes les informacions que fins i tot ja han saltat del propi país cap a l'exterior. Que es dedica única i exclusivament a emportar-se el diners, del petroli, de la fusta, i de tants altres productes, que té nostre país, per al seu ús propi, el de la seva família, i el dels seus amics. Saltar d'aquest present, trista, lúgubre, però només hi ha morts, però no hi ha més que enverinaments, però només hi ha morts, absolutament incomprensibles, on la desaparició de les persones és una cosa absolutament normal.
És evident que aquest present, tinguem moltíssimes ganes i molta urgència per desfer-nos d'ell i saltar al futur.
D'aquí, ha nascut el terme postobiang.
Postobiang, significa, tenir una alternativa,
i no pot ser naturalment semblant
al present actual, ha de ser diferent.
i comença a ser diferent, des del moment
en què neix, malauradament, però neix
des de fora. A l'exterior, hi ha forces
polítiques, d'oposició al règim actual
Forces polítiques vives, amb molt poca
possibilitat de desenvolupar dins del país.
Aquestes forces polítiques a l'exterior, aquest
govern al exili, aquest Partit del Progrés,
al postobiang, es proposa fer possible
un govern d'unitat nacional, al
que estiguin integrats, tots els partits
polítics, totes les forces polítiques del país,
i tots els valors culturals, socials, que
realment serveixin com columnes per
preparar aquest govern d'unitat nacional.
La seva missió fonamental és preparar al poble
guineà, cap a unes eleccions per primera
vegada lliures, que el nostre país mai no ha
Ha de ser capaç de convocar unes
eleccions diferents a les que ve
convocant Obiang,
i crec que, aquesta primera, diguem base, l'
govern d'unitat nacional, que pot
ser avui el govern de Guinea Equatorial
a l'exili,
està absolutament preparat, per servir
d'aquesta petita força, que dinamitzi el
procés de transició
i que prepari el camí cap a les eleccions,
fins les eleccions, hi ha una sèrie de
actuacions que s'han de dur a terme,
jo diria fonamentalment la preparació
d'una Constitució.
Guinea ha de néixer cap a una nova vida,
a través d'una Constitució, ben elaborada,
perfectament compulsada, a través de la
tasca dels tècnics,
i ratificada pel propi poble guineà.
A partir de que tinguem aquests instruments,
amb els quals es va a treballar. Amb els que
va a treballar el govern que
surti de les urnes,
podem ja convocar unes eleccions, per
que el poble guineà viva la gran satifacción,
de ser ells, els mateixos treballadors, els
artífexs d'un futur de llibertat,
de desenvolupament i de democràcia.
El retorn dels exiliats, tants fills,
tants valors guineans que estan exiliats
fora del país. Un govern d'unitat nacional
no pot prescindir mai d' Aquest ha de ser un primer objectiu. Hi ha un
segon objectiu, les presons de Guinea
Equatorial, els presos polítics que omplen
les nostres presons, han de trobar
e portes obertes, quan aparegui un govern
d'unitat nacional. Donar signes clars que
alguna cosa a canviat a Gui Una cosa canvia, tan ràpidament com que la
gent pugui viatjar des Rebola, fins
Malabo, sense que hi hagi ni una barrera
pel mig.
nea Equ Des de Malabo a Sampaka, sense que tingui
de passar per una barrera, i des Nkue a
Mikomeseng, exactament igual. Podem
Una cosa puc dir amb absoluta claredat,
compteu amb un equip, del Govern de
Guinea Equatorial a l'exili, que aglutinat
pel Govern d'Unitat Nacional, és capaç
de portar la democr d'acabar amb aquest present, i iniciar un
futur de llibertat i de progrés. Els
convido a sumar-vos a aquest gran projecte.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2010


Texto de la Exposición del Presidente Severo Moto

Hola amigos. Hoy hemos tomado como tema de diálogo y de charla, algo que me
parece será interesante para todos. El presente y el futuro de Guinea Ecuatorial,
tenemos a un presidente que evidentemente ha tomado el camino de la decadencia,
y es absolutamente incapaz de presentar un proyecto al pueblo guineano. Si es
incluso incapaz de preparar presupuesto para cada Ministerio.
Con lo que, los Ministerios son absolutamente ineficaces e improductivos, y un presidente que evidentemente, según todas las informaciones que incluso ya han saltado del propio país hacia el exterior.
Que se dedica única y exclusivamente a llevarse el dinero, del petroleo, de la madera, y de tantos otros productos, que tiene nuestro país, para su uso propio, el de su familia, y el de sus amigos.
Saltar de este presente, triste, lúgubre, pero no hay más que muertes, pero no hay más que envenenamientos, pero no hay más que muertes, absolutamente incomprensibles, donde la desaparición de las personas es algo absolutamente normal.
Es evidente que este presente, tengamos muchísimas ganas y mucha urgencia por
deshacernos de él y saltar al futuro.
De ahí, ha nacido el término postobiang.
Postobiang, significa, tener una alternativa, y no puede ser naturalmente parecida
al presente actual, tiene que ser diferente, y empieza a ser diferente, desde el momento en que nace, desgraciadamente, pero nace desde afuera. En el exterior, hay fuerzas políticas, de oposición al régimen actual
Fuerzas políticas vivas, con muy poca posibilidad de desarrolarse dentro del país.
Estas fuerzas políticas en el exterior, este gobierno en el exilio, este Partido del Progreso, en el postobiang, se propone hacer posible un gobierno de unidad nacional, en el que estén integrados, todos los partidos políticos, todas las fuerzas políticas del país, y todos los valores culturales, sociales, que realmente sirvan como columnas para preparar ese gobierno de unidad nacional.
Su misión fundamental es preparar al pueblo guineano, hacia unas elecciones por primera vez libres, que nuestro país nunca ha disfrutado.
Tiene que ser capaz de convocar a unas
elecciones diferentes a las que viene
convocando Obiang,
y creo que, esta primera, digamos base, del
gobierno de unidad nacional, que puede
ser hoy el gobierno de Guinea Ecuatorial
en el exilio,
está absolutamente preparado, para servir
de esta pequeña fuerza, que dinamice el
proceso de transición
y que prepare el camino hacia las elecciones,
antes de las elecciones, hay una serie de
actuaciones que se deben llevar a cabo,
yo diría fundamentalmente la preparación
de una Constitución.
Guinea tiene que nacer hacia una nueva vida,
a través de una Constitución, bien elaborada,
perfectamente compulsada, a través de la
labor de los técnicos,
y refrendada por el propio pueblo guineano.
A partir de que tengamos esos instrumentos,
con los que se va a trabajar. Con los que
va a trabajar el gobierno que
salga de las urnas,
podemos ya convocar unas elecciones, para
que el pueblo guineano viva la gran satifacción,
de ser ellos, los mismos trabajadores, los
artífices de un futuro de libertad,
de desarrollo y de democracia.
El retorno de los exiliados, tantos hijos,
tantos valores guineanos que están exiliados
fuera del país. Un gobierno de unidad nacional
no puede prescindir nunca de ellos.
Este tiene que ser un primer objetivo. Hay un
segundo objetivo, las cárceles de Guinea
Ecuatorial, los presos políticos que llenan
nuestras cárceles, tienen que encontrar
puertas abiertas, cuando aparezca un gobierno
de unidad nacional. Dar signos claros de que
algo a cambiado en Guinea Ecuatorial.
Algo cambia, tan rápidamente como que la
gente pueda viajar desde Rebola, hasta
Malabo, sin que haya ni una barrera
por medio. Desde Malabo a Sampaka, sin que tenga
que pasar por una barrera, y desde Nkue a
Mikomeseng, exactamente igual. Podemos
Una cosa puedo decir con absoluta claridad,
contais con un equipo, del Gobierno de
Guinea Ecuatorial en el exilio, que aglutinado
por el Gobierno de Unidad Nacional, es capaz
de llevar la democracia,
de acabar con este presente, e iniciar un
futuro de libertad y de progreso. Los
invito a sumaros a este gran proyecto.

jueves, 21 de enero de 2010

Margaret Thatcher IDIOMA NORUEGO i en debatt i parlamentet i Storbritannia syn på hva som er LE sosialisme og dens innvirkning på befolkningen

Margaret Thatcher i en debatt i parlamentet i Storbritannia syn på hva som er LE sosialisme og dens innvirkning på befolkningen
Denne debatten er en politisk handling, i det engelske parlamentet, som gir økonomiske konsekvenser for det engelske folk, og gjennom ham til alle folk i verden. Dette er et ytterligere bevis på hva han prøver å vise denne bloggen. Denne bloggen er å vise at økonomien i landene er en konsekvens av den juridiske handlinger av representanter for folk. Som et eksempel, den pakten i San José de Costa Rica, som gjorde forbedre økonomien i Latin-Amerika som helhet

RET THATCHER NORSKE SPRÅK Margaret Thatcher i en debatt i parlamentet i Storbritannia syn på hva som er LE sosialisme og dens innvirkning på befolkningen, MARGARET THATCHER NORSKE SPRÅK Margaret Thatcher i en debatt i parlamentet i Storbritannia syn på hva som er LE sosialisme og dens innvirkning på befolkningen


Seguint amb el tema d'aquest Bloc, que és demostrar com els actes jurídics produïts per la voluntat de l'home lliure, poden canviar la nostra societat, a continucacion es transcriu el text del video que va fer el president de Guinea Equatorial a l'exili, al President de Facto, del seu país, Guinea Equatorial.
Gràcies a Internet podem conèixer que la voluntat del poble Guienano, no és mantenir l'estat actual de les coses al seu país, sinó canviar-les. El vídeo que s'adjunta està confeccionat pel Govern a l'exili del valerós poble Guineano.

Text dels subtítols del vídeo
Hola amics, novament ens trobem,
abocats a aquesta finestra cibernètica, per
mantenir la nostra conversa de sempre.
Avui ens centrarem en un tema que ha
saltat a la llum, a través dels mitjans de
comunicació, sobretot cibernètics, i de
algunes pàgines web guineanes.
Es tracta de la carta que l'oposició a Espanya,
oposició política contra el règim de Guinea
Equatorial, ha dirigit al president de Guinea
Equatorial, Teodoro Obiang Nguema
Teníem informació de què Obiang, a propòsit
dels últims esdeveniments, de 17 de febrer,
en què van entrar al seu palau, es van dur
tot el que hi va haver,
Li van rebentar fins i tot la seva residència, crec que
han taponat el túnel que conduïa de la seva
residència al palau. Bé, doncs, ficat
en aquesta angoixa,
ia això cal afegir, la pressió internacional
que està rebent, molt concretament, i
això s'ha de dir així de clar, per part de
els Estats Units d'Amèrica, els
interessos tothom sap, el molt
que pesen a Guinea Equatorial. Aquestes pressions, han hagut de empènyer Obiang a
proposar, en algun entorn de la comunitat
internacional, un diàleg amb l'oposició.
No podíem ser menys, a contestar
de forma immediata.
Aquest diàleg i aquesta trobada, ha d'acabar
necessàriament en què es creu a Guinea
Equatorial, un clima, si volem, diguem d'
Un clima d'amnistia que permeti, la llibertat
dels presos polítics, que permeti el retorn
de les exiliats.
El nostre país no es pot permetre tanta
sagnia dels seus valors fora del país.
Si només aconseguíssim que es forja
a nivell internacional, aquest clima de reconciliació,
i de llibertat de presos polítics i de retorn en
el país, de tants fills seus perduts al
ja hauríem fet un gran pas, els altres
temes, evidentment diu la carta, es posaran
sobre la taula, quan comenci aquest
diàleg, si és que realment comença
Demanem a la carta, que per tranquillitat i
confiança de tots, se celebrin aquestes
converses, fora de Guinea Equatorial,
en un terreny neutral.
Ens consta fins i tot, que hi ha alguns països
que s'han ofert a finançar-i a oferir la seva
plataforma perquè es produeixi aquesta trobadao.
Hi ha països que estarien disposats a estar
presents, a ser testimonis, a protegir, com si
podríem dir, aquestes converses
perquè arribin a bon fi.
Als qui els hem enviat aquesta carta?
Perquè vegin que és una carta, primer,
pública, que la podeu consultar, a la
pàgina web, del Govern de Guinea Equatorial,
a l'exili, en la seva integritat,
Hi ha algunes referències a altres pàgines web,
públicament les teniu en aquestes pàgines. Bé,
però aquesta carta, ha estat, alhora que adreçada al
president Obiang,
se li ha enviat una referència a la seva Majestat
el Rei d'Espanya, Don Juan Carlos I, al president
del Govern Espanyol, Don José Luis Rodríguez
El ministre d'Afers Exteriors Espanyol, Don
Miguel Ángel Moratinos. Seguint les fronteres
properes, es l'hem enviat també al President
del Govern Francès, el Senyor Nicolas Sarkozy
Hem creuat també l'oceà. Hem
dirigit la carta al Sr Barak Obama, President
dels Estats Units d'Amèrica, la
Secretaria d'Estat d'Exteriors Americana.
la Sra Hillary Clinton, i també al seu adjunt,
al Sr Carlson, ambdós tenen la comunicació
que hem fet de la carta Obiang
Volem si, aprofitar aquest clima internacional
que existeix, i de pressió internacional que pesa sobre
ell, primer per demostrar que sempre, sempre, abans
ara i després, apostem pel diàleg com
solució pacífica.
Posades així les coses, ara per ara, amb la carta
a les mans d'Obiang, però que ens consta
que, a part de la que li hem enviat
directament a ell, també la Moncloa, a la qual
l'agraïm aquest gest, se l'ha fet arribar
Per tant, vulgui o no vulgui, està a les mans.
Pel que se sol dir, la pilota de la negociació,
està en mans del dictador.
Però sobretot, aquesta carta, se la pot exhibir
la comunitat internacional, preguntant, quan
va a convocar aquestes converses
Crec que el poble Guineano, és conscient
que la nostra actitud, proposant el diàleg, per
que no arribem a cap conflicte seriós
contra el nostre país, serà perfectament
valorada, com nosaltres ho hem valorat.
i dit això, anem a esperar, perquè
quan respongui, si respon, la població
es va a assabentar també. Bones Tardes.

miércoles, 20 de enero de 2010


Este Video muestra como el Mercosur repudia al Golpe de estado de Honduras ante la Organización de Estados Americanos. La actitud que toma el Mecosur como bloque, modifica la realidad de America Latina, porque disuade a las fuerzas políticas de todos los paises, de intentar un golpe como modo de acceso al poder